Friday, April 19, 2013

29 weeks: A Survey

How far along?: 29 weeks.

Maternity clothes?: Pants yes. Tops, still a mixture but mostly yes.

Sleep: yes please! I'm always tired. Some nights waking up to pee, other nights waking up before my alarm having to pee so bad it hurts. 
Best moment of the week: Going to the doctor at 28 weeks, 3 days. Finding out that 2.0 has flipped and is no longer breech. Finding out that the intense pain in my left side is no big deal, and to deal with it. That means it's of no concern, so that's good! Hearing that I start coming for appointments every two weeks. ALREADY? We don't have a name picked out!!! Seeing 2.0's adorable little face on the u/s. Lordy he's cute, if I do say so myself.

Movement: Yes. I swear he flipped the night before my appointment because my kicks were still realllllly low the entire previous day.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular these days. Not like before.

Gender:  Doctor said, "He definitely has a penis".

Belly Button: Still popped out a little at the top.

What I miss: Walking normal, turning in bed without having to wake up from my sleep, clothes fitting, not weighing this much in general.

What I am looking forward to: Hearing results of glucose test, seeing 2.0 again in two weeks, and meeting this character!

Weekly Wisdom: It can be really stressful switching insurances with 10 weeks to go in pregnancy. Just sayin'.  As of May everything will have changed, since Husband is switching jobs. It's a LOT of work!

Milestones: Glucose test, THIRD TRIMESTER!!
Big C Update: He's so cute. Sharing toys with baby brother, insisting on giving him hugs and overall just being sweet. I hope it's not such a shock when he really does arrive. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks baby brother is going to stay inside forever! I do have a cute video where I asked him if he wanted to say anything to baby brother and he said "come out!". We read his "I'm going to be a big brother book" the other night and he insisted on sleeping with it. We had to go back in after he was asleep and put it up so he wouldn't wake up with a dent in his forehead. 

My 28 week belly, courtesy of Husband. :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter and Birthday...

Easter was a blast around these parts. The weather was gorgeous after a cold and rainy spurt so that made it extra enjoyable! Camden had his usual egg hunt at school followed by an Easter Party. He was so excited to do both. While hunting the eggs he cheated like a Sooner and ran ahead of his pals. Once his basket was full he was all "I got plenty of eggs, Mom". So adultish!

On Good Friday Daddy and Camden stayed home and played and went to Lowes, while I worked. We did church on Saturday which gave us Sunday morning to ourselves. We worked on our garden and planted a bunch of strawberries on Easter morning and that afternoon we went over to Chris grandparents house where we had a Mexican pot luck and hunted Easter eggs again with the kiddos. It was so much fun, C had a great time with his cousins!

I can't believe how fast time is going.

Today is my birthday, already!

Nothing exciting planned. I slept in. I'm going to take baptism pictures tonight at church. I was going to go shopping, but that sounds like too much work. Hopefully catching up on extra snuggles with my boys later! I had two other photo shoots this weekend which involved lots of squatting. So, very sore! Hence, the shopping is too much work. ;)

Hope you all have a fantastic day!


Keeping busy.

I love experiencing things with this bunny.

He's getting so big!

 I took these using my makeshift studio.

Turned out pretty good with help of husband.

All done with natural light!

His favorite thing.

Tire swing.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

26 Weeks and the survey says...

**a little late in posting this seeing as how I am almost 27 already!!**

How far along?: 26 weeks

Maternity clothes?: Pants, definitely yes. Tops, occasionally. My non pregnancy clothes are getting a little too short - so it won't be long before it's a permanent thing.

Sleep: Getting up occasionally to pee. Otherwise not bad. Sometimes that means I have trouble getting back to sleep. I've just started noticing that it's getting hard to turn.

Best moment of the week: Going to my doctor's appointment. Stubborn little baby weighs in at about 1lb and 15 ounces. Doctor tried to get a picture, but his arm was over his face. He's also floating way up high, breech. The doctor showed me my pelvis - it was a dark gaping spot. He said "that's where his head should be". Well that explains the very low kicks then! To find his head he had to go way up past my belly button. It was weird. I guess that explains why my belly button already seems to be sticking so far out - instead of tiny feet being up there - it's a big ol' head! (also according to some further research my uterus is now 2 and a half inches above my belly button. Sure seems to go fast!

Movement: Definitely. And like I said, very low.

Food Cravings: Guacamole. Last week I HAD to have biscuits and gravy. So much so that I went to the store that night and bought sausage and biscuits and made my very own homemade gravy courtesy of the Pioneer Woman. It didn't disappoint!

Gender: boy!

Belly Button: Like I said, sticking way out and the top of it popped out with about 8 weeks to go last time. The top of my belly button has been popped this time for weeks. Silly stubborn boy!

What I miss: Walking normal, not being out of breath when doing stairs, sleeping on my belly.

What I am looking forward to: I go back to my doctor in three weeks. I hoping baby will be more cooperative and I can get a darn picture! I also will have my glucose test.

Weekly Wisdom: Protonix. It is the best thing since sliced bread! For weeks I was uncomfortable with horrible reflux and not being able to sleep because of it. Doctor told me to try OTC stuff, no avail. I called back and they said this reflux med helps decrease stomach acid and is completely safe. Praise God! And the relief is AMAZING.

Milestones: Glucose test coming up, almost to third trimester. Doctor measured baby boy and said that he is measuring a few days ahead. I'm sure they'll keep an eye on that as they go!

Big C Update: He wants to name baby brother Candy Cane or Cupcake. He's fitting in with the C theme at least. He prays for baby brother every night and knows that he's growing in my belly. The other day he came up to me with two toys and all on his own gave me one and said "that's for baby brother and this one is for me". I died right there. Sharing with baby brother already? Soooo sweet!!