Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What you need to know about.... PTSD.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

Most people don't know what that is, or the different levels of severity. I'm here to say that just about everyone out there has likely had some sort of experience with a traumatic event in their life. PTSD is all about those traumatic events and how we cope. Keep in mind, it can also be a reaction to a traumatic life stressor, and everyones stressors and how they handle them are different.

After my experience with Caysen, the last few weeks of pregnancy, the first few -- oh 10 months of his life -- I would say that I have a touch of PTSD. I always considered myself the opposite of a helicopter parent. I was laid back with Camden, letting him eat dirt based off the philosophy, "God made dirt, dirt don't hurt". I let him cry it out, a little bump on his head never hurt anyone, and once when he split his forehead open a little bit - I just super glued it together instead of rushing to ER.

Then Caysen came along, changed up my whole parenting style. Suddenly, I became a germ sanitizing freak, carrying a cart cover and hand sanitizer everywhere. I hover, and when he sniffles and I tend to worry about hospital stays, needing oxygen and watching for prolonged blue spells. Why? Because in the past when he tanked, it would happen so fast. And having watched your child fight for his life on more than one occasion, it tends to mark you.

Most of you all know that I work in the health field, specifically mental health. In all of my years of experience if I have learned anything, its that no one is spared from this area. Mental health is an interesting thing, really leaving no one untouched. PTSD from events can effect you and shape your future.

Life events can leave you scarred and scared. Scared to break down walls, to unnumb yourself, to share your feelings. They can leave you feeling isolated and alone, leaving you clammed up and in bed, not wanting to face the world.

People need to know that there is no shame in getting help when you need it. About talking about your stressors. Talking to friends, to counselors. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you can't do it alone. In fact, there is more strength in admitting you can't do it alone. That is admirable, admitting you need support and taking things in stride with your head up, determined to not let it win.

And most importantly, I hope people use this time to know that their one true helper and healer - is God. He's always on your side, he will never leave or forsake you. I read in a book about a golfer - and how they look to make shots. Do they focus on the trees they are trying to shoot through, or do they focus on the gap and what's beyond it? The gap. That. That's what we have to remember. Keep your eyes on him. Keep your eyes on the gap and what is beyond.

I have seen PTSD come in so many ways, shapes and forms. I have seen it attack loved ones in the form of sick family members or illnesses, to physical attacks, to a variety of emotional situations.

It can rear it's ugly head at any second. Caysen quits tolerating his feeds for two days and naturally I want to start getting jittery and analyze every waking move, take notes on every missed or vomited feed and try to figure what the root of the cause is. I tend to pray for fevers and diarrhea so I can chalk it up to a virus - and not something like poor heart function/heart failure. My life is so drastically different with child number 2, I never expected to pray for a virus to ease my mind.

This is just my own personal experience. But in my world, I have witnessed many different people battle PTSD and each battle is unique. Just remember, that you never know what someone is fighting. Be compassionate, live kindly. Encourage others. And when someone wants to open up to you to talk? Listen. Share. Encourage them to seek help however they may need. And remind them of their Heavenly Father who loves them so deeply, and so intensely and is the comforter to us all.

And finally - the why. Why does PTSD exist? I have no answers for you except that we live in a broken, broken world. And that is why our hope lies in Him.

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." - John 13:7

The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yes I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. -Lamentations 3:19-23

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. -Luke 6:21

1 comment:

  1. Such great advice for us all. I don't think we get out of this life without experiencing some form of trauma. Some may result from poor choices and others we couldn't have controlled if we wanted. I love your perspective and honesty.
