This is going to be a picture heavy post as I will explain lots of things through pictures. :)
The food set up. Adorable! The little containers of popcorn had a picture of a pregnant girl on it and they read "ready to pop". There was lots of other food but this was the cake/punch table.
Here I am really excited about some burp cloths. I was especially excited about my OSU one, but of course, that isn't the one shown in the picture.
This is Jessica's OSU/OU burp cloth. Guess that's what happens when you have a house divided?
The quilt made by Grandma Allen. She is aware of my husbands' love for plaid, and incorporated it into the quilt. Of course, we both LOVE it!
Diggin' through Lauren's present while she watches. She got me the cutest embroidered towel with baby C's name on it, but of course, I didn't take a picture with it.
One of my sister's gifts. The PeePee Teepees. I hear they come in verrrrry useful for boys!
Another one of my sister's awesome gifts. OSU booties!! I love love love them! :)
Jessica's gift from me, Sophie, the magical teething toy. (so I hear). I talked it up to her a few days before deciding I wanted to get her one, so I think she found it funny. :)
Not sure why I was making this face. I think because I was thinking how useful this gift is from my aunt.
Some adorable onesies from Jessica.
This is from my sister. It is a bib that says "I love my Aunt". It is adorable! She also had the infant sling and the stroller saver cover in there as well.
Going through a goody basket from my Mom. In here were multiple teething toys, baby toys, dishwasher holder for nipples and pacis, breast cream, and MORE!
My Mom also happened to get me Sophie!! :) Now somehow I just have to teach Pearl that this adorable squeak toy doesn't belong to her...
Mom also got me the Boppy!!
Pack and Play from the inlaws..
Here we were opening up our memory boxes from the MIL. She had the boy's baby books all done and lots of goodies in there, including blankets made from great great grandma, great grandma and grandma(MIL). This is a cute Bixby Spartans shirt that Chris and his brother had when they were little.
A tiny shirt that Chris or his brother came home in from the hospital..
Cake time! They were delicious!
This is a fun belly shot! Yay for our little ones joining us in August!
And a final picture of all of the loot. So blessed! I had to sit it all out so I could see it to help with Thank Yous. Again, another BIG thank you to all the family for spoiling me and baby C!