Friday, February 25, 2011


Lately, I've been thinking a lot about worry. Being a Mom, there is no shortage of worry when it comes to your baby. It is such an easy thing to do, worry about this and that. It may be something big, like where you'll send him to school, or how to fix his horrible sickies; or something small, what he should wear for the day. Or it may be worrying because you are going to leave him for two and a half days. (this weekend will be my first away!)

But I was introduced to a different kind of worry recently.

I have a patient who was telling me about her boy that she lost. She said that when he was 11 or so, he was out mowing the lawn and got hit by a drunk driver. He didn't make it, and neither did the drunk teen driving the car. Just mowing the lawn. Doing a chore for his mother. As simple and as quick as that.

Whoa. My stomach knotted just thinking about the possibility of losing my little boy that early. I can't even imagine.

Then I began to think of my cousin, who lost her days old baby boy a few weeks ago. Hello worry, where did you come from?

But then I went to church the other day, and Pastor Craig seemed to be talking directly to me when discussing that we are God's masterpieces. When he reminded us that God has each of our days planned for us before we even exist, be it 4 days, 60 years, or 90 years. I realized at that time, honestly, why worry? God already knows what he has planned out for us. And? God is GOOD. It is so true.

So each day that I wake up? Yeah, I'm definitely going to be thanking God for a new day to spend with my sweet boy.

The point of this post? Cherish your time with your loved ones. Each day is precious, and is truly a gift. OH, and there's really no point to worrying. :)

And the below quote is just perfect...

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." ~Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Six Months: A Letter

Dear Camden,
Happy Six Months! I can't believe I just typed six months. Six months? SIX MONTHS? Happy Half Birthday sweet boy, this half of a year with you has been nothing short of amazing.

{First time with solids food. Not so sure!}

This month you has been an interesting one. You have been sick and we have really had trouble nipping it in the bud. The pediatrician finally put you on some antibiotics and you sounded great at your follow up check-up on a Monday. His advice? "Stay away from sick people." Well, we had a major blizzard (14 inches, a record!) the next day and sub zero temps and by that Friday daycare was calling me telling me to pick you up because you had a fever.

{By the end, you thoroughly enjoyed the sweet potatoes}

Your rash seems to have faded and has left behind lots of dry skin. We are doing far less bathing and a LOT more lotioning. Due to the rash going away, we finally started solid food. Mommy has really enjoyed whipping up your baby food in our Beaba Babycook using organic produce. It is really easy to do and tastes so good, I could eat it! In fact, I think your Dad wants me to make him fresh applesauce, it was delicious! So far you have had sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, carrots, zucchini and apples. You really didn't care for the peas, you would make a little face and then your body would give an adorable little shiver. I don't blame you sweet boy, they are disgusting!! I ended up having to mix them with sweet potatoes. You take them much easier that way! Your favorites seems to be carrots and zucchini, and you found the apples to be a little sour unless mixed with oatmeal.

{staring so hard at the mobile makes you a little cross eyed!}

Sleep is getting SO much better. I think if you could just stay well, we would have this stuff all figured out. When you are sick you tend to wake up more often, because you can't breathe well out of your nose. I came and picked you up one morning and you had turned your sheets green with snot. Ick! I still have to run in and plug you with your paci a couple times a night, but when you are stuffy this doesn't seem to work. Poor thing, you just seem so uncomfortable! You still don't sleep near as much as some babies do, you usually top out at about eight to eight and a half hours a night, and can get by with a three short naps during the day totaling no more than two hours.

You are rolling like crazy now, all. the. time. Even during diaper changes, you like to keep us on our toes! You are starting to show improvement in the sitting area as well. On 2-4-11 you were able to sit for 10 seconds at a time on your own, but you are still mighty unsteady. You also love standing with assist and playing with your toys. I can't believe you are this big already!

You are weighing around 17 lbs (16.10 fully clothed on 2-12) wearing six to nine months clothes now, nine months is pretty big on you though. You are wearing size two diapers during the day (we still have a few to use up!) and wearing size three at night. You still have tiny little feet, wearing size 0-3 month shoes at six months. I bought some 6-12 month shoes and you were able to kick them off easily, so down a size we went!

When you are feeling well, you are eating five times a day, eating oatmeal and a fruit at daycare for an early meal and rice and a veggie in the evening. You are starting to have a little voracious appetite, and keeping you fed and full is a challenge!

You are a little talker, it is so sweet to hear your little voice again. When you were sick you didn't talk much because you were hoarse, so to hear you jabbering away to Sophie warms Mommy's heart.

You have taken such an interest in the world around you. You will watch intently as I fill a water glass or as the dog walks by you. It is so much fun to have a little curious baby around!

A new favorite thing that you like to do is reaching for our faces when we are holding you. You will reach for our cheeks our our chin and will grab a hold and squeeze while giving us a huge gummy grin. It is just so precious watching you take an interest in those who love you!

In the past month you have picked up a habit of taking your pacifier, biting down and popping it out of your mouth. I don't know if it is the feeling of it, or the noise it makes, but you sure seem to enjoy doing this!

{paci poppin'!}

You are still a favorite at daycare. They always comment about how you are "such an easy going baby". They are always talking about how mobile you are at such a young age. They say that "he never stays where we leave him, he's always way off the mat when we turn back around". I went to pick you up when you were about five and a half months and they announced to me that they were going to have to lower your mattress in your crib at daycare because you are "definitely mobile". They said you were getting up on your hands and knees and it made them think it was time to lower it. I could hardly believe it, so I took you home and told your daddy and we tested you that night. Sure enough! You can 'crawl' backwards accidentally and you will get up on your hands and knees and rock. Once you figure out those hips and how to move one leg at a time, we are in for some serious trouble!

Oh Camden, you are growing so so fast, but Mommy and Daddy want you to know that you have brought us so much joy, that it just can't be measured!

Love you all the way around the world and back,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Baby Cook

A few weeks ago I ventured into baby food making. I had been putting it off thinking it was going to be more work than I was ready for. But, after Grampa bought Camden the amazing Baby Cook by Beaba, I jumped right into it.

Armed with tons of fresh, organic produce I began peeling, slicing and dicing, steaming and pureeing.

In one day I made sweet potatoes, apples, pears, bananas. Then a week later I made peas, green beans, zucchini, carrots.

I have avocado and more bananas to make tomorrow, but overall I think I may need to slow down! The baby food is taking over the freezer, and Camden hasn't been able to even try all of the things I have made yet, thanks to the dang 3 day wait rule.

When I make the baby food, I use the Beaba silicone containers (if they are not used) to hold 2 ounces of baby food, but I have found ice cube trays to be just as convenient to use. An ice cube square is one ounce, and then I just pop them out of the tray, put them in a freezer safe bag and label and date them. And voila! So easy.

At daycare they asked if I was, "you know, overly healthy". I think they were trying to nicely ask if I was a health nut. Now, that is definitely NOT the case, or I would be super skinny. But, I do like being able to control what goes in his little body while he is still developing and growing (and while he doesn't have much of a choice! :) And knowing that he is getting organic and a fresh product is a nice comfort.

The only downside to buying organic? You have to really hope your fruit or veggie is in season. I have found organic produce at all kinds of places. I had originally thought that I would HAVE to go to Whole Foods, but that is the one place I haven't been to yet. Akin's has had plenty of options, and they absolutely do not allow non-organic product in the store, which is actually a step up from Whole Foods. AND...there are Akin's much closer to home. Wheee! Also, Reasors and Target have had impressive selections of organics. I was disappointed the other day when I wanted an organic bell pepper for our chili at home, and they just flat out didn't have them anymore at Target. They had been replaced by organic broccoli. Oh well, that is how fruit and veggies are really supposed to be eaten, according to what is in season, not what is in season halfway around the world that they can ship here. I am looking forward to spring/summer and farmer's markets and getting to know local growers. That is really the absolutely best option.

But back to the baby food making. Very easy. Largely made so easy by Grampa's awesome gift. Once you peel and dice the Baby Cook steams for fifteen minutes, then you just dump it right in the same container and puree. Then pour into containers and freeze. Camden definitely loves the gift, he's getting to try all kinds of yummy foods!

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Friday again??

What do you all have planned for the weekend?? I work this weekend, but I also plan to spend some quality time with this handsome little man....

{Mmmm sweet potatoes!}

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Funny Things Patients Say...

We had one patient that was adamantly explaining that Rod Stewart is Martha Stewart's nephew.

Another patient was watching the Today Show. They come back from commercial and pan at the crowd standing outside and, of course, the crowd waves at the camera. What does patient do? She waves back at the TV with a huge grin on her face, thinking they are waving at her. Awesome.

I was talking with two patients when one interrupts me and states, "Do you EVER, (at this point the other one chimes in and they state in unison) brush your hair?" Apparently, they think my curls are just tangles. :)

Whew. They sure do know how to keep you on your toes!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fragments

It's been a long time since I have done a post with substance. Let me update you!

Well, last week we had blizzards. Record setting blizzards. Chris and I managed to make it to and from work every day (sometimes taking 2 hours going one way!), despite the mail not running for two solid days and the local paper shutting down for the first time in 105 years. Impressive, eh?

Then, this week we had MORE snow. It just wouldn't end, it was like we were in a snow globe that God kept shaking.

Two weeks ago on a Monday we went to the pediatrician for our follow up appointment after finishing a round of antibiotics. We were starting to sound good and the weather was actually nice (before Snowmaggedon 2011 hit). The doctor said, "He sounds great, keep him away from sick people". Ha! Famous last words.

By that Friday, daycare called me saying he had a fever and to pick him up. So I called the doctor. He said give him Tylenol. So I did that all weekend despite the green snot. Called again on Monday after, they said "He's probably teething, give him Tylenol". So I have. And our cough is back. And we are both super sick again. Pretty sure it wasn't teething, as I am pretty sure I had a fever at one point this week.

So now, we are still trying to heal. Camden is smiling and less fussy now, he's eating a bit better, still throwing up stuff alot but at least he's less hoarse and smiling some. I had missed my baby!

Thankfully, and end appears to be in sight. The 7 day forecast almost brought tears of joy to my eyes! Next week there are mid 60s and almost 70s forecasted! That's Snoklahoma for you, got to keep you on your toes!

Yesterday was another very disjointed day. Daycare kept calling me, not because lil C was sick, but because they had lost power at the daycare. They were going to have to move the kids to the Education Center of the hospital and needed my permission to do it. I got calls left and right, they didn't know what to do with all of my frozen breastmilk for lil C. They ended up moving it to another freezer so I could take it home with me and bring it back the next day but OHMIGOSH it was chaos for a while. Turns out, whatever the issue is, it is going to be a WHILE before they can fix it, so daycare will be running on a generator for quite some time. I guess the area that needs to be fixed is under the hospital or under the road or something severe. This translates to the employees not being allowed to use ANY extra power. No washing machines, no microwaves, nothing! This almost doesn't effect me, but I have made most of Camden's baby food and when I take it up there for him to start eating it there, they will need to thaw it by putting it in the microwave. SO... I guess we will wait and see what the best option is. Maybe I could just let it sit out all morning? That just doesn't sound good though...

I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend. As is husband because Nascar is starting. I am referring to the extra sleeping I have planned! :)

Have a good one!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

{my sweet five month old!}

{my boys}

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Monday

{my cutie pie one morning before leaving him at daycare}

{Grabbing his feet and making diaper changes hard for Mommy and Daddy!!}

{Holding his own bottle like a big boy!}

{Story time with Dad - this was around Christmas!}

{Camden loves Nemo}

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Tuesday

{saw this bumper sticker on a car when picking up Camden from daycare.}

{You might have to enlarge this picture to see that the tag says "IM4FARV". I didn't know people still were for him, aren't they about sick of him?...}