Saturday, October 13, 2012

New Camera?

I woke up this morning for work, bright and early on a Saturday morning. I grabbed my trusty iPhone so I could use it as a flashlight and dragged my bleary eyed self into the bathroom. My normal morning routine is to read my Bible verses (what did we do before YouVersion?) while I'm fixing my hair, then I will play around, check email, or read local news stories.
I hadn't read much in the news lately because sometimes it's better to NOT know, right? Ugh. So I pulled open my local newstation app and lo and behold, there is a top story involving my part of the city. I open the article and read the story, which turns out took place ONE MILE from my house.
Say what?
Upon further examination, the story was about an attempted break in to a house, in the middle of the day. IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Who does that? The story went on to say that the stay at home mom was home, heard people knocking but didn't recognize the man, so she looked at him through the peephole and then didn't answer. She heard him comment to another man, stating something about "they have a dog". She was on edge, so she went to the back bedroom, grabbed her gun, checked out all the windows and then sat down in the living room. She said that's when it happened as fast as lightning. They kicked in through the storm door and the front door, and were in the house in a matter of seconds. She shot off three shots at the men who went running. Serves them right.
So this story really gave me the willies. I was at home yesterday too. Me and my little boy. Playing with his toys, playing on the iPad, cuddling in bed, playing in the backyard. This story happened RIGHT DOWN THE STREET, for crying out loud.
My brother has been pestering me since my birthday in April, the one where he took me shooting, to get a gun. Interesting enough, I spent some of Thursday evening and Friday almost buying a new DSLR. A full frame that was from a local photographer. I mean, whoa was I close. Almost an impulse buy, but I have had requests from friends and family for family pictures, so I could REALLY benefit from a full frame DSLR. But it didn't work out. Maybe that is a sign that I should invest in that gun and a gun safe?
Something to ponder for sure!


  1. I can't wait for you to take our family pictures!!

  2. Holy Crap! That is really scary. I will say that knowing you have a way to protect yourself, if it came to that, does offer peace of mind. I would have gone ahead and called the police while I got the gun though.
