Here we go!!
1:30 AM: Camden cries out in his sleep and it wakes me. He does this more often than I like, it wakes me every time. I listen to see if he keeps fussing or puts himself back to sleep. 90% of the time, he goes back to sleep on his own. He stays quiet, so I lay in bed trying to put myself to sleep. Decide to get up and pee and then go back to sleep.
3:36 AM: Camden cries out again. I listen to see if sounds like he's getting sick again. He doesn't sound sick, but he keeps crying. This time I go into his room and he's sitting up in bed fussing. I pick him up and hold him, he immediately puts his head on my shoulder. I sit and rock him for a few minutes while he calms, he fidgets around. After ten minutes I decide to lay him down even though he won't hold still. I expect more fussing but he snuggles down into his pillow. I return to bed where I can't fall asleep. I check my phone. Finally get sleepy after pinteresting for a few minutes.
6 AMish: Husband gives me a kiss goodbye to say he's leaving for work.
6:24 AM: Camden fusses and decides he's up for the day. I get him some milk in a sippy and get him out of bed, change his diaper and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the TV. He fusses demanding Bubble Guppies, but I hold firm. I tell him to stay here and play. To my surprise, he obeys and I lay back down until 7:30.
7:30 AM: I hear him singing "Ot Dog, Ot Dog" to the Hot Dog Dance, and it's precious. I get up and see him grinning in his room. We head to the kitchen to get together some breakfast and more milk. He requests Bubble Guppies and I comply, that way he sits in his high chair and I can unload the dishwasher, rotate laundry, eat my own breakfast and start typing this blogpost. His breakfast is bananas with peanut butter, peanut butter cheerios and some yogurt. My breakfast is a bowl of cereal and a little of the banana I cut for him.
8:30 AM: He is still in his high chair watching Bubble Guppies. Why? Because that way I can guarantee he's in one spot while I get ready for the day. I fix my hair which takes a good episode of Bubble Guppies and is the smartest thing I can do since you can't hear anything when under the blowdryer. I get him ready for the day.
9:00 AM: I call and cancel our lawn service. They have been sucking and we can do the same for cheaper. They were supposed to be spraying for weeds, and instead my husband has been sitting in his yard and pulling them by hand. That's some sort of dedication.
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My OOTD. Comfy tee, curly hair, wild toddler. |

He didn't want to hold still for me. Can you tell?
9:30 AM: We finally make it out of the house. We head to Hobby Lobby to return some items. After returning the items we walk the entire store. For no particular reason except to possibly garner inspiration. I find that Christmas lights are already out.
At Hob Lob |
10:30 AM: We leave Hobby Lobby, go back home and get Pearl. We drive back to the park in the neighborhood and play there until ten after 11. We both start getting hot and it's time for lunch.
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My busy body |
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Being a big independent almost 2 year old.. |
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Oh, he melts my heart! |
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Pearl was indifferent. Too busy smelling to stop and smile. |
11:30AM: Lunch. Camden gets left over pizza, applesauce and raisins and dried blueberries. I eat the same pizza and cherries. We watch some Bubble Guppies and drink milk. (notice a pattern about the Bubble Guppies? He's severely addicted. We may need an intervention).
12:30PM: Camden finally in bed for nap, after cleaning up lunch, peeing on the potty, and doing our naptime routine. I listen to him holler and clap and tell me "I yah you" (I love you) before drifting off. Free time means Mom watches last night episode of Big Brother, makes the grocery list after pinteresting some recipes and resting myself.
3:00 PM: I wake up out of my nap, decide to facebook a little, and am very surprised little man isn't up yet. He must have needed the sleep.
I find this while pinteresting and have a good LOL. |
3:45 PM: I piddled around and did laundry. Finally, I hear Camden in his room. I go get him, get him up and change his diaper. He fusses and I can't figure out what he's saying. Come to find out, he wanted to pee on the big potty. So, he pees, gets his M&Ms and then we get him dressed and packed and we head out the door.
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Up from nap- mm Milk! |
4:10 PM: We are finally in the car and headed to the store. Once there, I'm on a mission to get stuff, before Camden gets fussy and the party is over. I haul through there, letting him throw things into the cart behind him seems to keep him entertained. I promise him a cookie at the end if he's good, he signs cookie and I keep reminding him to obey. It works, and he ends up getting his cookie from the bakery. We check out and head home, to find Husband mowing the yard.
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He loves to help "blow blow" |
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Clapping because he helped "blow blow" |
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He is SO big now! |
5:30 PM: I unload the groceries out of the car while Camden and Husband "mow mow". Husband fires up the grill in the process of mowing the backyard and I set up chicken and steaks to be grilled.
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I update my kitchen art. |
6:00 PM: Continue mowing and grilling. I pick up the kitchen a little bit.
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I notice my moonplant has made cool spikeyball things. |
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which then makes these seeds and drops them... |
6:30 PM: Eating dinner finally, while Husband waters the lawn. We catch up on our days, make plans for the weekend.
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Dinner |
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Finishing dinner |
7:15 PM: We decide it's too nice and cool to stay in. After the high only being 93 degrees, it was still hot but it sure didn't feel it. It was a welcome relief. Camden was obsessed with finding the moon, unfortunately we never found it.
Yelling - "come on mama" |
Sunset is extra gorgeous |
Pausing during our walk for a pic |
8:00PM: We finish up our walk and are back outside in the yard. A neighbor that goes to one of our church campuses pulls and and hops out of his car to talk and we catch up while little C runs circles around us.
Still looking for the moon. |
8:45 PM: We shower and get ready for bed. Camden gets some more milk and we chill for a bit. I clip his nails and mine, as well as remove my toenail polish and it leaves much to be desired. Time for a fresh coat, uhhh....eventually.
9:20PM: We do Camden's bed time routine, say good night to Pearl, his animals, cars and Curious George on his wall, give kisses, pray and say "AMEN", more kisses and then lay him down.
9:40 PM: I work on typing this since I'm going to be super busy at work tomorrow. Want to get this posted!
11PM: By the time I get everything together it's 11. And 445 comes early. Night!!
Where did you get those delightful divided plates??
ReplyDeleteLooked like a nice day.
PS - I think you are the 3rd Day in the Lifer who caught up on Big Brother...and I'm only halfway through all the people! :)
what exactly is bubble guppies?? Is this something I'm going to have to understand once my monster is a little older?
ReplyDeleteCamden is adorable, and the Regina George thing cracked me up (why are you so obsessed with me?).
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Janelle is my all time favorite! I thought she was super boring this season, but those parting shots at boogie redeemed her :)
+1 for Mean Girls for analogies.
ReplyDeleteIf this round of day in the life has taught me anything, it's that I'm not the only person who gets completely sucked into Big Brother.