The other day, I had an off day in the middle of the week. Camden and I didn't do much but a few chores, and played alot. While he was playing, he kept running circles around me while giggling, occasionally ducking in between my legs. That's when it hit me, my little baby was not only RUNNING, but he's getting so much taller that he had to DUCK to get between my legs.
When did this happen? So badly I want to freeze him so I can enjoy him in this stage for longer. How can I keep him here? Then I realize, I just have to enjoy every. little. second.
After this intense playing it was time for lunch. What was on the menu? One of the few things he will eat these days. Avocado.
Before I knew it, he had fallen asleep in his highchair. It was so adorable watching his head roll around, so I snapped a few pictures so I can remember my sweet little boy at this stage.
So precious. And those little, messy hands? Adorable.
So peaceful and calm. Exact opposite of his waking hours. ;)
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
He is so darling.